You won't know what hit you as IT-rich Bangaloreans will hit you with all our might. We will take your roads, your real estate, your hotels and your cute tonga gaadis. We will bump up prizes sky-high, making anything unaffordable to anyone but the Maharaja and the geeks. Your maids will demand twice the money for half the work, and your sons and daughters will start dating at 14 1/2. No more sleepy afternoons sipping chai and sutta please, 'cos we will demand world class service at dirt cheap labour rates. Mysore, get ready to get raped!
We know, because Bangalore went through exactly the same thing some 10 years ago. Bangaloreans are still gasping for air that does not exist thanks to the mega boom in the city. Now, with the Bangalore Mysore road much better than ever in its history and the BMIC roads coming up, Mysore will become another extension of that monster city called Bangalore.
Mysore, beware!
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